Kingdom of God
Hi Church,
Another big weekend went down in Grace Church world. It started with CityServe on Saturday with 10 or more of our team, combining with 40 other people from various Port Churches and we went along to Tacking Point Primary and we made over the gardens, painted a class room, water blasted steps, re-planted gardens, built a sandpit for play, trimmed trees and plants and turned some ugly into beauty. And That’s a picture of what the Church can do best, turn lives made ugly by sin, shame and brokenness and turn them into the beauty of the Lord, reflecting his glory. It was also a moment to shine for the Kingdom of God. We went to that place and brought the presence of the King, and we made it His domain. Thank You Grace family.
That was the message on the following Sunday morning that the Kingdom of God is within us and through us comes His Love, Joy, Peace, in the Holy Spirit. What I love about this truth is that I don’t need an organisation to make that happen, I don’t need an event to make that happen, I just need to turn up to make that happen. And every time we turn up together the light increases and the Kingdom is advanced. So, whether there is two or more gathered in a hospital, in a school, in a factory, in a work place, in a café; the Kingdom of God comes. And the Jesus prayer he taught us, Let your Kingdom Come, Let your will be done as it is in heaven let it be on earth. That prayer becomes extremely necessary, and very powerful.
Our Carols event coming on the Sunday the 3rd December will be us bringing the Kingdom of God to our community. The free food, the free celebration, the free activities speak of the Love, Joy, Peace in the Holy Spirit that we are distributing to the community. We are turning the ugly into beauty, turning a place to live into a place to call home. So, church we need to start praying now, believing we have enough people to do all required, another provision to provide what is required, and enough food to feed everyone. I’m excited for what is coming.
God is doing good things Church we have had three people give their lives to Jesus for the first time in the last two weeks, one as recently as Monday morning, we have handed out bibles nearly every single week since conference, the prophetic is being stirred and trained, so lets keep moving with Holy Spirit.
On Sunday we celebrated Neve’s Betenson’s 21st Birthday and showed our appreciation for her leadership to our wonderful World Changes Youth Ministry. They too have been involved in spreading life through Gospel stones placed in gardens in the local community, all had a scripture or something positive to speak to the finders of the stones.
Lets remember to pray for safety in travel and health for Ross and Donna Nancarrow and Shirley Capon in Nepal this coming three weeks as they head to the opening of the Nepal training centre. Let us believe and pray that it will be a catalyst for revival for the nation of Nepal as leaders are equipped and empowered from that base, to share goodnews.
The Kingdom of God is moving Church so let it move through you!
Love and Blessing
Ps Greg and Amanda