Grace Church

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Hi Church, 

In these last days it’s easy to be confused about what to believe and who to trust. Many look to the Government for answers but they have none. Many put their trust in money that if you have enough, you’ll make it to the end and certainly able to ride out any storm. Some put their trust in believing the right end time prophecy and have a certainty that they will be raptured out just before it all goes pear shaped.

But that’s not a Gospel way to be living.  We need to live in a such away that gives hope to the people around us who are hopeless.  Statistically it would seem that the church is shrinking faster than its growing and that the population is growing faster now than converts are being made. Whilst there are bright pockets in many places which are encouraging, Western Democracies as we know them are in real decline. The answer is not to have more churches but to have more disciples.  More disciples who will make disciples and more disciples who are obedient to the commands of Jesus.  Of course, if more disciples of Jesus made disciples we would need more churches but at this stage there is plenty of room in the churches we have.

Jesus answer to the Now Harvest upon us and around us is to pray. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more labourers into the field. And that usually ends up being the ones who started praying. Historically the first great missionary movement that started out of Europe was with the Moravians who had a 100 year 24/7 Prayer movement that touched the world and who sent Christians out all over the known world making disciples. This was way back in 1727.  Of course, the first prayer vigil to ignite the discipleship flame was Pentecost. Lord we need another!

Now to help us to pray we must consider The Lord’s Prayer in  Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:1–4.

1.         Prayer always should be based, founded on relationship. Our Father.

2.         Prayer is in a Revered or Reverential name. Hallowed.

3.         Prayer is about Reach.  Your Kingdom Come on earth as it is in Heaven.

4.         Prayer is about accessing Resources. Give us our daily bread. Ask Seek Knock.

5.         Prayer is about Reconciliation. The Debt of Sin forgiven by God and us forgiving towards all other people.

6.         Prayer is having Right Direction. Lead us ……not into temptation

7.         Prayer is having Royal Favor.  For His is the Kingdom the glory and the power.

This format of praying covers all areas of life.

I want us all to embrace these principles in our everyday praying for our neighbours, praying for our city, praying for our Nation. We start at home, and we send it out far and wide.

Prayer changes situations but more importantly it changes us. As we move closer to the Father’s heart, we will hear His desire for our world and we will pray and act accordingly. What’s it going to take to see Grace Church grow with lost people becoming disciples in Port Macquarie. I’m not completely sure. But I know this….. the more I pray about it the more likely we will hear and see how it can happen and what is our part it making it happen. I pray you will be motivated to join us monthly for our Leaders Prayer Advance it starts Tuesday 10th of Sept 7:00pm sharp to approx. 8:00pm. 

This week is voting week in Port Macquarie and the Hastings for Council and Mayoral elections.  Lord we pray let your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is no injustice or corruption in Heaven under your authority so Lord we reach to the heavens and pray injustice and corruption will be far from us and the people of our Local Government and those whom you have set apart to lead will be blessed, strengthened and encouraged by the power of your Spirit to walk humbly, act justly and consider the welfare and good of all in their decisions.

God bless you, Church.

Ps Greg and Amanda