To reveal God’s gift of extravagant love, called grace, to all people and demonstrate a life of transformation so that we can be like Jesus to this world. God’s grace is a journey of receiving, surrendering, an empowering by the presence of Holy Spirit within us. Grace Church seeks to make known this grace life through finding lost people, making great disciples of Jesus and building a community of Holy Spirit empowered people.



Ps Kerry and Julie Medway setting up on the first day at Kingfisher Rd (1996)

In 1995, a group of families, led by Ps Kerry and Julie Medway, decided to plant a new Church for Port Macquarie in the senior Citizens Centre called Port Macquarie Christian Fellowship. It was a collection of people from many different denominational backgrounds but whom all had a passionate desire to pursue the presence of God through intimate worship. The new church family connected with Crosslink Christian Network, an Australia wide network of churches of like vision and values. The Church quickly established itself and grew and eventually purchased their own premises after just 12 months at 2 Kingfisher Rd, where we currently reside.

After 5 years a new name was sort and the Leadership felt Grace Church summed up their desire to release God’s greatest answer to the world’s greatest need. The church building was later expanded due to the increasing size of the ministry in 1997. Grace worked to create unity in the city through various joint events and ministries. Many missions’ programs were launched and supported generously during this time especially to the Philippines.

After 17 years of leadership at Grace Church Ps Kerry and Julie stepped aside and youth Pastors Sarah and Todd Murray took on the senior leadership role in 2012. The church continued to thrive and grow with young families and youth ministry. After a short season the Senior role was then given over to Pastors Greg and Amanda Campion, who were welcomed from Newcastle in July of 2016.

Grace Church on the first day in the new worship centre (1996)

Since this date the building has seen further renovation and addition and a new Kingdom Kids ministry Shed was constructed to accommodate the growing children’s and youth ministry work.

Since its birth in 1995, Grace church has maintained its passion for the presence of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit, strengthened unity efforts in the broader Church community, and continued to reach out to the community both locally and abroad with love and generosity, expressing the heart message of God’s grace for all. A book detailing the History of the Church called Grace Amazing can be purchased from Grace Church offices.



We believe that there is only One God, the Eternal Creator, Redeemer and King. God expresses Himself in the persons of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Godhead is the ultimate image of Family. God is love. He is truth. He is life. He is always good. We believe that there is a Heaven and a Hell and that there is an inferior evil spiritual being, the devil. We believe that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father in human form. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin. He lived fully as a man, a sinless life, filled with signs and wonders, and gave Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.

We believe that by Jesus' death and resurrection, we have forgiveness of sins and adoption into the Family of God. Our identity is that of beloved sons and daughters of God. We believe that the example set by Jesus in Water Baptism and the celebration of Communion is a model for our lives and part of our expression as His followers. We believe that after Jesus' death and resurrection, he ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. We believe that Jesus is coming back for his Bride, the Church, as he promised. We believe that God the Holy Spirit lives and is at work in us, and that His fruit and gifts are available to all. We believe that the Bible is the infallible and everlasting Word of God.



Greg Campion
Senior Pastor
Executive Team Leader

Amanda Campion
Office Manager
Executive Team

Debbie-Ann Bax
Worship Pastor
Worship and Creative Ministry

Carin Bolschied
Kingdom Kids Leader

Neve Betenson
World Changers Youth Leader


Ps Greg Campion

Amanda Campion

Michael Acland

Robert Harrison

Doug Bollard

Paul Betenson

Jane Wright