Hi Church,

An amazing time of unity was shared at our worship together night last Saturday. Some 10 churches from our city joined together at St Thomas, for singing, praying, Bible reading, preaching and fellowship. The church building was near full as everyone packed into a stall or took a seat at the rear. It was great to have our own Benji Acland lead the prayers for our next generation for the city.

Pastor Caroline Dennis from Lifeway Church gave a challenging an inspiring, vision account of us all coming together like grain spilled from many silos into one pile and being like the togetherness of “One Man” of Nehemiah 8. She also challenged us to speak well of each other and love all the different expressions of Jesus church in the city. Many people gave testimony of how truly unifying the experience was.

On Sunday we were inspired by the stories shared by Rachel Patricks of Compassion Australia.  The Compassion ministry has sort to help those impoverished nations to raise up children out of poverty. It was so good to hear how helping with education and clothing and health can make the difference to bring the Gospel to those in need. Well done Church for taking up 11 Children in the sponsorship program, that makes a new total for Grace Church of 24 Children being sponsored every month with life saving aid.

Rachel spoke out of the Story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37. Rachel gave us two clear points to help us regarding helping others and being generous.

1. Being present is more important than being perfect. Its our availability that draws God to us for his purpose not our ability.

2. Actions are greater than good intentions. James 2:18 Says Faith without works is dead. Jesus made an example out of the one who did something not thought about something. Sympathy is good intention, but compassion is faith in action. So, lets choose to be people of action.  Will you be the one who crosses the road?

God bless

Love Ps Greg and Amanda