Hi Church,

Praise the Lord that lives continue to be moved by the Holy Spirit through His word and worship times. It was such a joy to see people praying together at the end of Sunday message believing for Life to come into places that appeared dead. The Bible says that we have the power of Life and Death in our Tongue. What we speak matters. And Paul said in 2 Cor 4:     We Believe and We Speak.  Just like God spoke Light into darkness.  We speak Life into deathly situations. So don’t give up and loose heart, keep speaking life over situations that appear bleak and dying. Speak life over your marriage and your family and your business. 

There are lots of good reports around Grace family as people step deeper into their relationship with Jesus and the glory of His presence through the Holy Spirit.  This must be our goal. This must be our reason for being. To become like Jesus and shine His glory so that others too will receive His freedom and glory when they see His face in us.  To live a glorious life, I outlined four key points from 2 Cor 3:18 to 2 Cor 4:18. 

  1. Life begins with You – Your transformation first. 

  2. Life is sustained by right motive.   –  All for Jesus

  3. His life is more powerful than the feelings of your death. You are a clay Jar – Vulnerable but Powerful – His all surpassing power is in you. You are clay Jar – Vulnerable and Valuable - Jesus is the treasure you carry 

  4. Life is spoken by faith over circumstances that seem like death. 

I encourage you to listen again to this message and take up a study to go deeper into these truths. 

We also highlighted Life groups and prayed for the leaders. Our life group leaders do an amazing job, and I would encourage everyone to be a part of a group where you can live your life connected to other people so that a community of love and care is built around you and the people your connected with. In these groups the gifts of the Spirit can be experienced and practiced, the Word of God discussed, and deep friendships can be formed. Don’t miss out. 

We have many ministry opportunities available, and I would encourage you all to look again at making space to serve let a ministry leader know of your availability.

This weekend coming we have Susie Wood sharing the Word of God and I’m sure she has a good word to share that will encourage and strengthen us all. 

Loving you Church 

Greg and Amanda