Oil in your lamp

Oil in your lamp

HI Church,


Well it was fun for me to walk into Church like most people on Sundays, and yes I was late, as I travelled back from Forster and arrived just after 9:30, ok maybe more like 9:40 am. But never mind that, but what was great was a whole team of people who made for another great day.

It truly was a joy and like a proud parent moment, to step into a Church worshipping with all their heart and embracing all that God had for us in our togetherness. Thank you, Ps Debbie, for leading a multi-generational team, including Ken Harvey who dusted off the Conga drums and played some percussion and chimes.  Thank you, Paul Betenson, for leading the service with great sensitivity to Holy Spirit.

Jane Wright brought the word of God to us and did a marvellous job preaching from Matt 25 and the parable of the Ten Virgins and their readiness for the great feast of the bride groom and Bride. Jane reminded us of the many characteristics of a Galliean wedding were spoken about by Jesus and how they parallel his life actions and the nature of His second coming.

This was especially so in regard to the trimming of our wick in our lamp stand. That we were responsible for keeping our lamps filled with oil representing the Holy Spirit and that we were responsible for tending to the wick to make sure it shines bright and clean. I was challenged by Jane’s reminder that we are to trim our own lamp’s wick before we attempt to point out the dirty wick in other people’s lamps.

The many truths that Jane highlighted, brought us to a place of humility before our God, with a desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit so we are ready for His return. And The Spirit and the Bride say come!

This Sunday the 19th of November is our special offering day for Carols, and I ask that we are all generous as we seek to supply sufficient funding to bless our community and present well our message of Hope through Christ. Please come prepared.

I also ask you to be praying daily for the Carols that we would have clear and great weather, healthy participants and volunteers who are safe and we have enough people to make this event work. We also pray that every gospel seed sown will bring a harvest of souls into the kingdom. And that the four churches will work well together.

A point to remember is that there will be no service the morning of Carols 3 Dec here at Grace but we will be gathering from 12:00 pm onwards to assemble the works necessary for the Carols set up.

Standing with you Church as we partner together ready for Kingdom Action.

Love Ps Greg and Amanda.

Hope for Salvation

Hope for Salvation

Hi Church,

Praise God for the rain! Everything is looking green again and the dust has been washed away. A sense of refreshing is in the air, thank you Holy Spirit. Visiting Speaker Evangelist Pat Steele was ready to lead us into revival and refreshing last Sunday, with his stirring challenge to lay down our life like a seed into the soil of our world so that we can see a harvest of souls for the kingdom of God. And indeed, a new lady visiting for the first time committed her life to Jesus, received a bible and joined the prophetic class all in the one day. Pat reminded us again of using the hope cards to leave them around shopping centres and car parks and cafes.

Each Hope card has links to a web site with testimonies of salvation and a contact number so people can be connected to a local church. Please feel free to take as many cards as you can distribute. Pat reminded us that the closer we get to Jesus the narrower is the road towards him, so that nothing fits on it but you and Him and everything else just falls away or needs to be left to the side so we can embrace Him fully.

That’s the challenge, for Revival to come there must be a people who are dedicated to Jesus and who will respond in humility like Him, be repentant in our hearts always turning our faces towards Him and then being commissioned to go into all the world for Him and as Him.

1 John 4:17

NKJV 17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

This is the testimony of the Ashbury University Revival in the USA that went for 14 days straight in February 2023 with around the clock, praise and worship and prayer. What started on one campus has now spread to hundreds of others across USA. Now according to Pat there are student youth outbreaks of awakening and revival across Australia as well. What can we say but more Lord! Do it again.

Believing with You Church and as Pat said “Just Sow it!”

Ps Greg and Amanda


Live the everyday like Jesus

Live the everyday like Jesus

 Hi Church,


I pray you are all doing well entering a new week to be the people of God in our confronting and confused culture.  Its good to know we stand upon the rock of the Gospel that is immovable and will never be shaken.

Reflecting on our weekend together it was so good to hear from Ross Nancarrow on the work of International Mission Ministries in Nepal and especially the completion and celebration of the Training Facility.  Grace Church had such an amazing part to play in ensuring its completion. Thousands of Dollars were contributed from us and other generous people from around Australia.  What was handed over to the people of Nepal was a legacy of faith, hope and love for their nation so that the gospel will be taught from one faithful generation to the next. Thank you to Ross and his wonderful team who have planted watered and nurtured new churches for the advance of Gods kingdom.

Ross also encouraged us with a great word reminding us of how we are to live the everyday like Jesus. Jesus was not a man unlike us. He lived the everyday in the human limitation like us with even less resources than us, not using His divinity to have any advantage. The advantage that did come to him was cultivated through a lifestyle of faith just the same as we can. The three keys were one; knowing and living from a place of Identity as a son/daughter of God beloved and accepted. Two, living in daily intimacy or abiding with Holy Spirit, listening to what God is saying and doing what he sees God doing. Third, living by faith, that is total trust on His Father. The being about His father’s business in everything. This resulted in a man who lived in anointed relationship with Holy Spirit. A man who was empowered by Holy Spirit to be Holy, to be loving, to be powerful.

Jesus modelled this lifestyle so that we can follow the same, with the same outcomes as He did and even more. This is the faithful fruitful life that results from abiding in Holy Spirit. May we do likewise.

Love and blessings.

Greg and Amanda

A time to embrace

A time to embrace

Hi Church,

Family Service again. So exciting to see our young people growing and contributing to the Church family.  Sam and Joel were a great team leading communion. Oliver is an amazing reader and the girls Mia and Eva were happy service greeters with announcements. These all may seem little roles in themselves, but they all contribute to making our time together Spiritually and generationally meaningful. Carin always hits the right word with her Kids story and the worship team is growing with more young people making a difference. Neve did a great job prophetically leading the service. To hear from the Spirit and lead people into a time of deepened encounter with the Lord to help settle hearts is a very mature undertaking and Neve did it with such authority and grace. Well done Neve the Lord has indeed anointed and appointed you for such a time as this.

The preaching from myself over the weekend for the family service was not as good as I hoped and I’m sorry if I was not as clear as usual. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 Gives us some great insights into life in some very broad strokes and sometimes there are no easy answers to fill the in-between. The important point to understand is the God is interested in the in-between and that our spiritual life is not reserved for Sunday only but to cover our everyday and every life moment. Sometimes we can think the way of Jesus does not include some base line living around marriage and family. But the opposite is true. Our Life in Jesus makes for a better marriage and family life when done in Him.

A few points to sit with.

1.     Stones of disappointment and bitterness, our emotional rubble needs to be thrown away from us for greater fruitfulness and rebuilding. But they are not to be thrown at people in judgement. Forgiveness from the Lord gives us an opportunity to deal with our rubble of rejection, anger and brokenness not an excuse to hang on and collect them as trophies or weapons.

2.     Knowing when to embrace and when not,  sets up good relationship practices for the safety of relationships in friendships, in family and fellowship of the church. Doing this well brings strength, protection and enduring love, especially in our marriage relationships.

It was a special moment in our service also to pray for the “Peace of Jerusalem” and the Middle East as per Ps 122. But not to pray as a someone taking a side but praying as a Mum or a Dad or as a child witnessing the destruction of families. May the Lord’s will be done, and His kingdom come. Let this war break down the resistance to the saving gospel of Jesus the Messiah. Let us be ready for what comes next.

This Sunday coming will be exciting to hear the report of Ross Nancarrow and those who went to Nepal during September. After the service there will be short break and then our AGM for the year. Please attend to get a copy of the annual report and give thanks to the Lord for all he has done. The AGM and any voting rights is for those who regularly attend Grace Church and call it their spiritual home.

Sunday evening will be our last Powerhouse Prayer and Praise night for 2023 so I encourage us to attend and bring your prayer for revival and renewal in Grace church and for our nation.

Now is the time to be thinking about Carols at Sovereign Hills and on the 5th of November we will have sign up to a Carols service team day so start thinking how you can make a big difference. Then on the 19th of November we will take up a special offering to sow into our Carols Blessing Chest so that we can make it the best ever.

Thank you so much Church for all that you are and all you are becoming in Jesus.

Love and Blessings

Ps Greg

  A Kingdom that cannot be shaken

A Kingdom that cannot be shaken

 Hi Church,

The Last week has certainly been difficult for people. Seeing people divided over a referendum with strong views for and against, tears at the fabric of our heart. Some will be ripped completely, many stretched into a new shape different from before. Some relationships maybe permanently damaged and some will try to out shame each other for a result not wanted.

Sadly, what was put as a vote on a change of how we do governance or not,  became an endorsement of value upon a race of people. Many have walked away with hearing a shout, NO! we don’t value you. Therefore, the pain will be ongoing.

Of course, this is a lie perpetuated by the enemy of our souls to keep us divided and hearts closed to each other. As Christians we can’t get locked into a “sideism”, that is choosing one people over another, the Gospel doesn’t allow us to do that, we must find a way to embrace to bring peace. That is the heart of reconciliation.

The same is what is happening in Israel in the Middle east as Media is forcing us to take a side and prefer one over another. To hate one and justify one and to disregard one and accept one. In the natural again its heart breaking. Its horrible to make a choice. Yet Jesus walks right into dead mans zone between the warring parties and lays down his life in the middle, for his friends and for his enemies.

Romans 5:7-9

7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  (To be a sinner is to be an enemy of God.)

Phil 2 tells us this is the attitude we all need to carry into the world. This humbling oneself, this dying to one self, this filling the gap of division with our own life is what, brings peace, truth , hope, love, grace, reconciliation. 

I can’t say that I’m an expert in this but that should not stop us from trying.

There is of course another layer of what is going on in the Middle east right now. We are in the times of the end and God’s plan is unfolding before our eyes. Nations are being pulled into position. Israel is being used by God to reveal the arrogance in the heart of men who have turned their back on God since Sin entered the world.

We can’t stop it and we must not applaud it. We need to pray for God’s mercy in it. Not be afraid but be aware. The Season is changing, our focus needs to shift. Jesus said Look! Your redemption draws near. Luke 21:31.

So let’s be sober minded and not put off any longer being the people He wants us to be.

Romans 13:8-12

8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”[a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself.”[b] 10 Love does no harm to a neighbour. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.


Love and Peace Church.

Ps Greg and Amanda

Pause to consider

Pause to consider

Hi Church, 

Well for me I have had a lovely weekend of family friends fellowship and fun. It started with a lovely celebration Part 2 of my Son Peter and his finance Amelia Raymond at their engagement party which was held at my house. This resulted in some 50 to 60 people turning up from near and far and toasting the Bride and Groom to be. It was a wonderful moment to enjoy as we saw two heritages of faith begin to flow together, as both Peter and Amelia are from multi-generational Pastoral Leadership homes. We will follow up this party with their wedding which will be in Canberra on the 16th of December. Sorry I can’t invite you all but I’m sure you will send your love and prayers anyway for what will be a beautiful day.

Apart from my Saturday there was a wonderful Sunday for us all with Ps Mark Raymond, Amelia’s father, sharing the word with us. I loved Mark’s anointed relax style leading us into an encounter with Jesus as we paused to consider where Jesus was in our storm. Mark showed us through the gospel of Mark 4:35-41 of Jesus in the boat in the storm that Jesus does care and that as Christians we are of all people are best placed to endure the happenings of life because of Christ within us.  Mark told us as trained counsellor that modern Psychology is just recognising now just how important the human spirit is for the inner peace world and mental health. The answer then and now and always will be keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, know that He is close, know that he is our help and peace. The Worship team and the prophetic throughout the meeting was again on point, knitting together a complete spiritually meaningful time together.

A moment of thanks was included in our service to recognise Kalista Klomps much valued work season with us for the past near three years. We bless Kalista for her new season and pray it will be fruitful in her new location. You can always catch up with Kalista at her business Blendz and Beanz on Clarence Street.

Further to my comments last week. Some may have felt offence by them in my broad stroke generalisations, if so please forgive me. My intention is to provoke us to think and pray and take our heart responses to the Holy Spirit for understanding. My heart is that we have a community that is united in love and peace by the Kingdom of God and not divided by race and preference of one over another. I believe the intention in general, is good for those who want a change through the Yes vote. There is a cry for recognition, justice and truth that does need a considered and compassionate response. I also believe that the way it has been packaged as an all or nothing approach leaves so many unanswered questions that the risks for such a major change requested seem very great. We don’t want to be a people of fear and we don’t want to be a people naive to possible dangers of significant law changes and governance.

Either way I believe we are left with a heavy heart as the options placed before us don’t seem to lead us to peace and reconciliation to each other. This is when we pray Have Mercy O Lord  and let “Your Kingdom Come your Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

I will leave you with more articles to consider from the Daily Declaration a Christian e-news publication detailing articles for and against which hopefully will be helpful to form your own opinion.   https://canberradeclaration.org.au/

 Approaching the Voice from a Christian Perspective

For the Voice

1.  The Voice: A Christian Consideration by Rev Dr Michael Jensen. Michael is the rector at St Mark's Anglican Church, Darling Point, and a former lecturer at Moore Theological College.

2. Open Letter to Religious Leaders In Australia – Supporting the Voice – Supporting the Voice” by Tim Costello. Tim was the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Advocate of World Vision Australia.

3. Responding Generously to a Generous Voice by Rev Dr Andrew Errington. Andrew is the rector at Newtown Erskineville Anglican Church and researcher at the School of Theology, Charles Sturt University. Andrew writes for Sydney Anglicans on behalf of the Social Issues Committee.

Against the Voice

1. 10 Reasons Christians Should Vote No to the Voice by Kurt Mahlburg and Ps James Dargin.

2. The Voice: Making Life Even Worse for Us  by Bess Nungarrayi Price, AM. Bess is a former Member of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly and the mother of Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price.

3. A Christian Case to Vote No to the Voice: My Reply to Michael Jensen’s Response by Dr Stephen Chavura. Stephen teaches European and Australian history at Campion College in Sydney.


The issues raised in these six articles give a good overview of where the two positions are coming from. Searching the Daily Declaration for the ‘Voice’ and the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ will retrieve a wealth of information to consider in the lead-up to referendum day.

The Constitution, beginning with the words “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God”, has given Australia a firm foundation for its nationhood and has served us remarkably well. Let’s lean into that.

A special note Shirley Hallum has presented some insightful research on the Voice and has been published in the editor’s column in the Daily Telegraph on multiple occasions.  Well done, Shirley.

God bless you Church as you earnestly seek the Lord and His wisdom.

Ps Greg and Amanda



Current news

Current news

Hi Church,

Hey its good to be back as of Tuesday. And As I have travelled some 3000 km down to Melbourne and back via Eden and Canberra, over the last week I have been enjoying the positive feedback that has been happening for the ministry at Grace Church while I was away. I praise God for that! Because it’s the sign of a healthy church that good ministry and great encounters happen without the reliance on one ministry person alone.  We have a great team here at Grace and I thank Ps Debbie for leading while I was away, and I thank all those who contributed to the preaching Exec Leader Paul Betenson and Ps Kerry Medway. Their messages I’m sure will live on in people hearts for months to come.

Some sad news this Sunday we say goodbye to Kalista Klomp. Kalista will be taking up a new role with The Point Church. Kalista has been with us since the beginning of 2021 and helped us navigate some tough times administratively especially through Covid. She has also helped us achieve three big events of two church conferences and a Carols at Sovereign Hills. Kalista leaves a legacy of a church well administered. We are greatly thankful for her contribution, and she will be greatly missed by all the staff.

Some good news we have special guest preacher this Sunday, Mark Raymond, former snr Pastor of Awaken Church Canberra and current Navel Chaplain and soon to be father in law to my Son Peter.

On a more serious note. We are now entering a time in our nation where an opinion is being asked to be expressed by all voting age people. No doubt your opinion has been called upon in recent times by friends and family. The problem has been of course where do we go to get the best information for our opinion. We don’t want “old mates” opinion from next door, or at the mechanic, or at the hairdresser to be shaping how we vote.

We certainly don’t want fear from right wing news outlets to define us and we don’t want emotional guilt being poured over us from left wing spokespeople, shaming us into an opinion without knowledge and understanding. We need truth.

Jesus was often asked for his opinion on all manner of topics sometimes to trick him and sometimes for genuine understanding. Sometimes he answered with a straightforward explanation, sometimes he answered with a question back at the asker or even a parable, so that we could work it out ourselves.

So where do we go. First of all we can go to God and His word. Prov 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord and Lean not on your own understanding and in all your ways Acknowledge Him. The Book of James says if we ask for wisdom God will freely give it to us. So, we are to study and pray and ask God for discernment.

Second, we go to those who have faith in Jesus and have a proven reputation for thoughtful advice. People like the Rev Tim Costello who has been the head of World Vision Australia and who has been working with the poor and marginalised in this nation for many decades. You can read his open letter here,   but search up responses to the letter to get a full idea. I found what he said helpful https://www.tearfund.org.au/stories/an-open-letter-from-rev-tim-costello-to-church-leaders-on-the-voice

Third we listen to both sides of the argument, read the pamphlet prepared by the Electoral Commission with its arguments, of Yes and NO explained and try and place yourself in the shoes of either side to hear what is being said objectively without prejudice. And can I say anyone who is 40 and over carries some racial prejudice whether we realise it or not, why? because we absorbed it from our culture. So that must be filtered through Kingdom culture of 1 Cor 13 and the call to live the most excellent way of love. Likewise, Ill say to those 40 and younger don’t just follow your heart and do what’s trending on Social Media, examine carefully the content.

Some Scriptures to guide us include Matthew 25:45 where Jesus calls us to really consider very closely how we treat the “least of these” because and without doubt, our first nations people fall into that category in comparison to white Anglo middle class people of majority Australia. From their point of view the current system is broken and they are looking for a better way to be heard and problems resolved.

We may also consider the words of Dr Martin Luther King Jnr who said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by their character.”  The reality today there is a shortage of people with good character and as a result people are resorting to identity politics to bring clarity around how we should treat each other but sadly it just brings greater hurt and division, as we stop listening to each other and seeing value in each other regardless.

In conclusion I’m not going to tell you how to vote but I am going to ask you to listen, pray, consider, love, read, examine your heart, walk in compassion, reject fear, and do what Paul said in Romans 14:5  One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind……. 13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.

Church pray for Australia, our Nation needs the Lord more than ever. The potential for disastrous racial relations is extremely high going forward, no matter what the outcome of the referendum is. Only the Lords loving kindness and Grace can save us from ourselves. Lord, have mercy.

With you Church Ps Greg and Amanda



Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God

Lord, I love the house where you live: the place for your Glory dwells. (Psalm 26:8)

How awesome was Sunday! A perfect example of the unity of the Spirit. 

I looked across our congregation and saw faces carrying the expectancy that moves the heart of God. His joy is that you would be at home in Him. His desire is to know and be known by you. How beautiful that Holy Spirit moved through worship to align our hearts for Paul’s word “Intimacy”. How great that so many people responded to his invitation to just rest in God’s Presence at the end of the service. It felt like time stood still. May that moment of rest increase your hunger for your daily being with Abba Father. 

In other news it’s school holidays  and a few of our families are travelling. Praying blessings as you travel and experience something new or enjoy your staycations in our beautiful Port Macquarie. Our wonderful Kingdom Kids team are on holidays too but Kingdom Kids will launch Term 4 on the 15th October. 

As I said on Sunday if you’re a part of a church family there’s always something to celebrate and there’s always something to pray for. Thank you God for being across it all. Let’s continue to uphold church family who are waiting for their breakthrough and let’s keep celebrating the testimonies. No one should have to carry a burden alone or celebrate alone. That’s what family is for. So let’s be ones who speak and say what’s so and lift, encourage, pray and help and love as one body in Christ. 

Love, Grace and Peace to you, 

Deb & Sloan

Seasons of life

Seasons of life

Hi Church,

Family Service lived up to its amazing reputation again. How hilarious was Kaidee and Carin in their presentation of Sling and Stone and the battle of David and Goliath?  I could not of thought of a more entertaining way of presenting the story of David and Goliath and seeing Carin fly through the air as a stone after spinning off the back of Kaidee, who played the sling, this will be a sight that is truly unforgettable. Apart from the value of laughing together the true meaning of fulfilling your God purpose even if it seems scary is well worth remembering. It was also good to see some of the young people do some big things for the first time like Jarmaine doing communion and Bethany reading the scriptures.

My message was a wrap up of a very significant week of family moments for myself and sharing at Mal’s memorial service and then a lean into the scriptures found in Ecc3:1-10. These  key verses teach us about timing and seasons and how we need to respond appropriately at just the right time to bring about positive outcomes in the relationships that are close to us. We only looked at the first 4 verses but they can be summed up by these points as follows.

1.       You have one shot at life so make it count. Verse 2

2.       There is a time to prepare for fruitfulness. Verse 2b

3.       There is a time to put things right. Verse 3

4.       There is a time to show your emotions - it brings you closer to those you love. Verse 4

Everyone goes through different seasons at different times but the important thing especially as a parent no matter how hard, or ugly in the appearance, or long the journey it seems. Do not give up hope.

The promise of Verse 11 is, God will make all things beautiful according to His time.

So I encourage you, to listen again to the message, there was lots of tips for family life. Strong families make for great churches which make for greater communities. Let’s keep encouraging each other, and spurring one another on, to live better together.

For the next two weekends Amanda and I will be away for a week’s holiday crossing over two Sundays. On one of those Sundays, we will be celebrating in Canberra at our Son’s Peter and bride to be Amelia Raymond, engagement party. During this time the services will continue here at Grace with preaching from Paul Betenson and Kerry Medway. Ps Debbie-Ann and the Grace Executive Leadership team will keep the Church moving under God’s direction and care.

Also just be aware that our Kingdom Kids Shed will be leased out for a short term for pre-poll voting for the National Referendum to be held on Saturday 14th Oct. This will mean we have no access from the 5th of Oct to the17th of Oct to the KK Shed. All other services and use of our Church is as normal, but carparking will be difficult mid-week. Church on Sunday will be unaffected. We give thanks to God for the revenue that is generated, by releasing the facility for community use. 

See you soon Church

Love Ps Greg and Amanda.

Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God

Hi Church,

Another big weekend went down in Grace Church world. It started with CityServe on Saturday with 10 or more of our team, combining with 40 other people from various Port Churches and we went along to Tacking Point Primary and we made over the gardens, painted a class room, water blasted steps, re-planted gardens, built a sandpit for play, trimmed trees and plants and turned some ugly into beauty. And That’s a picture of what the Church can do best, turn lives made ugly by sin, shame and brokenness and turn them into the beauty of the Lord, reflecting his glory. It was also a moment to shine for the Kingdom of God. We went to that place and brought the presence of the King, and we made it His domain.    Thank You Grace family.

That was the message on the following Sunday morning that the Kingdom of God is within us and through us comes His Love, Joy, Peace, in the Holy Spirit. What I love about this truth is that I don’t need an organisation to make that happen, I don’t need an event to make that happen, I just need to turn up to make that happen. And every time we turn up together the light increases and the Kingdom is advanced. So, whether there is two or more gathered in a hospital, in a school, in a factory, in a work place, in a café; the Kingdom of God comes.  And the Jesus prayer he taught us, Let your Kingdom Come, Let your will be done as it is in heaven let it be on earth. That prayer becomes extremely necessary, and very powerful.

Our Carols event coming on the Sunday the 3rd December will be us bringing the Kingdom of God to our community. The free food, the free celebration, the free activities speak of the Love, Joy, Peace in the Holy Spirit that we are distributing to the community. We are turning the ugly into beauty, turning a place to live into a place to call home. So, church we need to start praying now, believing we have enough people to do all required, another provision to provide what is required, and enough food to feed everyone.  I’m excited for what is coming.

God is doing good things Church we have had three people give their lives to Jesus for the first time in the last two weeks, one as recently as Monday morning, we have handed out bibles nearly every single week since conference, the prophetic is being stirred and trained, so lets keep moving with Holy Spirit.

On Sunday we celebrated Neve’s Betenson’s 21st Birthday and showed our appreciation for her leadership to our wonderful World Changes Youth Ministry.  They too have been involved in spreading life through Gospel stones placed in gardens in the local community, all had a scripture or something positive to speak to the finders of the stones.

Lets remember to pray for safety in travel and health for Ross and Donna Nancarrow and Shirley Capon in Nepal this coming three weeks as they head to the opening of the Nepal training centre. Let us believe and pray that it will be a catalyst for revival for the nation of Nepal as leaders are equipped and empowered from that base, to share goodnews. 

The Kingdom of God is moving Church so let it move through you!

Love and Blessing

Ps Greg and Amanda

Father's Day

Father's Day

Hi Church,

Well, we had a another very special Sunday as we celebrated Father’s Day. The Worship, the prayers, the scripture, the communion, and the message all pointed us towards the Father’s Heart towards us. His love has certainly been lavished upon us through Jesus Christ our Lord. This lavishness was represented by the cream and iced donuts that Amanda presented to the men for morning tea, what a great yum moment that was. John Ives preached a special message that called men into their responsibility to be the priest of their family and cover them with the authority and the love of the Heavenly father as we stand under His Shadow and protection. John quoted many scriptures but one of the stand outs was Ps 91.

Psalm 91

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

John gave a living example picture as a reference of a family standing under an umbrella which stood under the umbrella held by God. Whist ever we remain close to God his protection is over us. Men were called to bring their families close to God.

He also called the men of the day to have an Elijah spirit as he quoted Malachi 4.

5 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.”

That we would be those fathers who would have hearts for their children.

This will require a shift in priority to make sure our kids are not last on the list of our time and emotions, that we be present for them in person and in heart.

Second, we must forgive our own fathers passed or alive and release them of hurt and pain they inflicted on us, so that we can come into a deeper relationship with our Heavenly father. 

Fathering is so important, society is suffering because they don’t know how, and the church has a responsibility to do it well so we can be an example that the world can imitate.

As they follow our example it will lead them into relationship with the Son and the same love he experienced from His Father. John 17:

22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

What a beautiful healing awaits us Church. As we are loved with same love, God the Father has for God the Son Jesus, so Lets share it boldly.

Love you Church.

Ps Greg and Amanda

Adullam’s Cave

Adullam’s Cave

Hi Church,

Well, I’m only just recovering from a huge weekend with Men’s Camp Friday to Sunday and full service day Sunday, finishing off with Powerhouse Prayer and Worship. It’s probably that I’m feeling my age, turning 55 this week and trying to play beach soccer with blokes and kids decades younger then me. The legs just don’t move when the brain tells them to anymore. Anyway, days later they tell me I did way too much. Lol.

But let’s get back to what I shared on the weekend. It was truly a powerful time at Camp as we discussed what good fathering is all about and for the kids what it means for them to be positive sons and daughters. We also prophesied over just about everyone thanks to Paul and Justin. Also, thank you to Justin Pagotto, Michael Acland, and Doug Bollard who all shared their heart with good Bible teaching over the weekend.

One of the truths I wanted the Dad’s and Kids to see with their eyes and know with their heart was the importance of knowing who is their tribe. Sometimes the younger Dads can miss on a Sunday in context of the larger family that there are others the same as them at the same life stage. So to see us all together around the camp fire declaring I’m here for you, I see you, was very necessary. Of course, we take that into our larger church family and state that for everyone. The Kids had a moment too where they joined that circle around the campfire, and we said we are here for them. For their welfare and care and for their growth and journey in God.

My teaching at Camp and on Sunday included two major truth stories in the Bible. David hiding out at Adullam’s Cave in 1 Sam 22 and Nehemiah 2. David in his hiding from Saul managed to gather around himself a crew of people who started as discontent, indebt and distressed men and their families but as time progressed then became David’s mighty men. That transformation brought about the new kingdom under David which is an eternal Kingdom we all benefit from today as the descendant Jesus sits on the throne that has been established forever. That transformation happened as they went from individuals to a tribe, to a family to one body. In the New Testament we call it the Church.

Likewise for Nehemiah, he brought hope to a city broken and in distress with walls that were smashed and burnt and scattered. These walls were restored around Jerusalem in record time when families stood by each other protected each other and worked encouraging each other. Again, another picture of the church in the New Testament. Jesus is our Nehemiah as he gathers living stones that were broken and he turns them into a temple magnificent for his dwelling.  

The Church is the place for the broken the burnt out, the distressed, the indebt, and the discontent we must never forget that. For that’s the way we all came into Gods family. Sin destroyed us but God rescued and restored us. Taking us from nothing to a kingdom that will never end. Let’s encourage each other and find our place in this wonderful tribe. Let’s be there for each other, lets take our church forward not settling for the less but the more of what God wants in Port Macquarie and beyond.  

Love you Church

Ps Greg and Amanda

29th August 2023

A special Family service

A special Family service

Hi Church,

Family services are such fun, always full of laughs and very special moments where your heart gets filled with joy and love. Last Sunday was no exception. A confident Ashlee Klomp led the service with our youthful team on the platform leading in worship, with a special appearance (whom I forgot to mention) from my son Caleb Campion on guitar, making a home visit from Uni. Then of course there was a big bible reading time from Harry Bollard, a sensitive communion from Mathea Betenson, a very engaging Kids talk from Graeme Wright and who could forget the inspiring first time preach from our Children’s Ministry Leader, Carin Bohlschied, who just nailed it.  But what was truly a very special Holy Spirit moment was the faith journey shared by Kara and Josh Teisen and the response from the congregation to rise and spontaneously bless them with dollars and help them to purchase air-tickets to Redding California, to attend the Bethel Ministry School.

I was blown away by the love shown in that moment and so parent proud of the abundant generosity shown by Grace Church family. That’s what family does, we rise up for each other. In that moment we also proved again we are a sending church. An apostolic church that releases people to the nations. So we pray for Josh and Kara that every faith step will be made clear and that every obstacle will be removed for their going.   

Now unsurprisingly but amazingly the Holy Spirit was speaking on Sunday through everyone’s input and as Kara and Josh Testified of big faith steps, Carin got up and preached on being strong and courageous through the life of Gideon. Some of her thoughts included:-

  • That we need to be a church that’s stands on the promises of God and put our trust in Him not on our circumstances.

  • God is calling out those who are hiding in caves to come out and lead into the victory that God promises.

  • Is 43:2 reminds us that through fire and flood and every attack of the enemy God is with us!

  • Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

  • You are all called anointed and equipped!

  • God has used shepherds, stutterers, murderers, little boys, the lame, the leper, a prostitute, the least in a family…….. so he can use you!

A timely word in a season of challenge!

Let’s stay positive, loving, courageous and connected Church.

Please keep this week and weekend in your prayers as we take the men and mostly young boys of our families away for a fun time on the beach. Pray for hearts to be connected and vision expanded and safety for all activities.

Please consider going to the EDM movie night. It’s a big fund raiser at Majestic cinema, dealing with a very sensitive and dangerous topic in our modern times; Rescuing Children from Sex trafficking. The ticket price includes a contribution to Every Daughter Matters (EDM)

Loving You

Ps Greg and Amanda

22nd August 2023

Contemplative prayer

Contemplative prayer

Hi Church,

There is nothing like being in the presence of the Lord. Sunday morning was again another incredible time of being with God together as His family. When you intentionally move towards the Lord he cant help himself but move towards us with love and grace. The Word that came through John Mark Comer and finishing our prayer series brought us into an encounter that in twined us into God’s presence. It’s in that space that you cant help but have your strength renewed as you wait upon him.

Some of the key truths for contemplative prayer is looking, yielding and resting in God as you presence yourself with him. It will require discipline and time but its worth it. IF your mind is distracted 1000 times in your contemplative moment then don’t condemn yourself, just turn it into a 1000 opportunities to reconnect and look again at Jesus.  Once you have fixed your eyes on him then just yield, surrender to His presence, His love, His grace, His peace, His healing, His restoration, His will for your life in love.

Another thought in this space which I hope ignites your first love is that contemplative prayer is slowing down long enough for your soul to be kissed by God. I think we all agree that our lives are out of control regarding distraction and hurry. We seem to not have any margin left. We need to discover ways of slowing down. I know for me this is getting easier as my Kids get older. A life with children is overflowing with expectation and living beyond the margin in constant demand. So, this just means we need to be even more diligent and intentional with our time. That’s why our rhythm of life needs to include a sabbath rest for everyone. That will be our next challenge. I am looking forward to discovering more in how to abide in Jesus and become fruitful in this way.

This week I will be away at conference, but Ps Debbie, Kerry and Jane are always people that gladly lend a Pastoral hand. Don’t forget your life group is always very important to help in times of need. Remember its never to late to connect. See our website for details. A new life group for Innes Lake area begins on Thursday 24th of August. Call Trevor Ford for details. 

This week is Family Sunday with a BBQ celebration after. Lets continue in the flow of the Spirit and giving testimony to Gods healing and Power and presence. It’s the only way the next generation will arise in faith as we live and declare truth.

Finally, men please sign up for Men’s and Kids camp it will be a great time filled with fun moments and great camaraderie and a few laughs. If you need help to get there or need more detail, then please call this week.

God bless you Church, have a great week being with God.

Ps Greg and Amanda

15th August 2023

Flow of the Spirit

Flow of the Spirit

Hi Church,

I love the flow of the Spirit. He is likened to many things.  A bubbling stream, a mighty river, waves of the ocean. Its all about the flow. Last Sunday we tried to capture that flow like we saw at Conference. Sometimes it will feel clunky and then it just …….flows. The important thing is to stay together in it spiritually.

We had a lot of words spoken, the prophetic focussed in on unity, unity of us all as one church in the city and unity of us as one body locally. Without unity there can be no blessing, Ps 133 tells us this. Eph 4:1-4 requires it. The Prayer of Jesus in John 17 calls and invites us into it, “Father make them one”. 

The depth of our flow and the distance of our flow in the Spirit will depend on our heart for unity, joined in love to one another. One Body, One Hope, One Truth, One Family, One Worship, One Passion, Lets pursue this together.

Last Sunday we celebrated the goodness of God over our conference period. Many healings, many freedom moments, increase in joy, salvations. Heaven truly opened for us. We also pressed in for more. I know already that pain left people’s body and the testimony of others encouraged blessing for them.

Some consolidated truth included. God was making Grace Church a gateway church into the city to be a training and sending church. Bruce declared that we are not a retirement village but a leadership factory. That we needed to raise up our youth and celebrate them and cheer them on in their purpose in God. Paul revealed that our prophecy times needed to be Sane, Biblical and Submitted. We needed to be a people who stood on the walls like Habakkuk and wait and see what the Lord will speak and write it down and make it known and wait for the word to come to pass. Pat showed us that evangelism should be a joy and delight because its good news to those that are lost and dying. Monika the teacher told us to Be Ready for Service, Be ready for the Lords return and Be ready as Troops fully armed and dressed for battle. And the Pastor drew us in to the heart of Jesus to be ready to love and serve the least of the these, with willing hands and burning hearts.  

Let’s continue to flow Church, stay unified in love and truth and action with an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to us. Let’s live in the more of the abundance of life in Jesus our saviour.

With you Church all the way.

Ps Greg

8th August 2023

PowerHouse conference

PowerHouse conference

WOW, Wow, Wow, I’ll say it backwards, WOW! God is so Good. The power, the presence, the healings, the hope, the salvations, the prophetic, the deliverance, the encouragement, the testimonies, the impartation, the releasing of our Youth, the declaration over Grace Church and this City of Port Macquarie. It was all mind blowing!! Thank you Jesus, for a wonderful Powerhouse conference. I am truly overwhelmed and humbled by the encounter we experienced since last Thursday. The Father exceeded our expectations and more. Please spend extended times in prayers of gratitude.

A big thankyou to all who gave of their time sacrificially to be present, serving, catching, praying, encouraging, welcoming, worshipping, sound and data, photo taking, cleaning, set up and resets. We saw you and it made a big difference. I especially thank Kalista and Amanda for working so hard behind the scenes to take the ordinary and make it exceptional.

Let’s not pass on from these times waiting for the next. Rather let’s believe, this is our new season, this is our new constant overflow of a well of life bubbling up rather than a splash from heaven.

These days are dark and will get darker unless there are a people of God who take seriously the power and the presence and the person of the Holy Spirit at work within them. With Holy Spirit in Us we can light up our world. The Conference theme was ready hands and burning hearts. We can bring this to Port Macquarie by giving out hope cards, sharing the gospel, praying for the sick and helping those in need it, brings the kingdom near to the people around us. What can you do today?

Speaking of those who need our help and prayer is Rose Grey. Rose has suffered a back injury and is trying to move house, anyone who can help Rose and Peter at this time it would be greatly appreciated.

In a couple of weeks’ time, 25th to 27th August our men’s and kids camp at Scott’s Head will be on so please register now your space and commitment. If finance is an issue, please text, or email me. It will be a fun and memorable time with our children so let’s not miss the opportunity.  See advert for details.

Exciting days ahead Church lets fan our flames into a mighty fire.

God bless you all

Ps Greg and Amanda

1st August 2023

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Hi Church,


Well its Conference week and I’m so excited. When the winter chills take us to being inside and slow its great to know the Holy Spirit is about to pour out his loving fire on us. Our hearts will be heated and passionate for His kingdom purpose. I’m expectant for so much more. I pray you are as well. Some the key words that came to us over last weekend was that there was nothing too difficult for God. And That we are to speak to impossible situations in the natural and believe that in the power of the Spirit they will come alive and live, just like Elijah speaking over the valley of Dry bones. The impossible will be made possible through God.

Another picture was given that God had laid out a bar counter top with every good thing on it for our enjoyment and our pleasure and our healing and our wholeness like a table top of good food and that all we needed to be is like little children and just come and take whatever we desired because God wants us to have it. What a great picture what great prophetic encouragement for us.


During my Preaching I shared a number of truths from the Life of Elisha from 2 Kings 2 through to 2 Kings 13. There you will find some great examples of faith expectancy. 1. Be like Elisha who expected more. He wanted a double anointing of what ever Elijah had. 2. He said don’t go and gather a few vessels but as many as you can. That told us to keep bringing people so that the anointing can keep flowing. 3. Elisha challenged us with the How much do we want our deliverance our victory? Were we willing to strike the ground beyond the minimum. Were we willing to strike the ground 5 or 6 times? Are we desperate are we willing to wipe the schedule to make conference our priority. To bring our family, to call a friend, to attend every session, hungry to get your miracle. Jesus teaches us that faith is what we believe, faith is eager anticipation that what we prayed for will be received.  Matt 11: 22-24.  And so we need to believe for more miracles. More comes to those who believe for it. Will you join me in that?  Grab this opportunity with both hands and agree together “I’m ready for More!”


So let us pray and let us be enthusiastic and let us bless our speakers, Paul, Monika, Bruce, and Pat and let us  invite everyone we know.


Eager with you Church 

Ps Greg and Amanda

25th July 2023

Listening to God

Listening to God

Hi Church,

Another amazing Sunday has just happened. Our community life in worship and word has been so enriching lately. The presence of the Lord for healing restoration and intimacy has been so deep. Lets increase our expectancy, especially in the leadup to Powerhouse Conference. Our prayers for the success of this conference needs to be focussed and often. Remember as we ASK, SEEK, AND KNOCK continuously, the Lord will answer. So let your Kingdom Come Lord!

Sunday saw part three completed on Listening to God. I highlighted the 6 main ways God speaks to us with some variations within each point. They were through Jesus directly, through the Word as written, but also through inspired highlights and also through direct chapter and verse references. Through Circumstances in the way God opens and closes doors, this was recommended to be done in review with wise counsel. Following your desire as the Lord places them in your heart. Prophecy, Dreams, and Visions which are supposed to be natural outcomes of a Spirit filled life. Then Still small voice listening through journaling. Habakkuk 2:1-3 gives great understanding around that as we listen and see and write what we feel God is saying to us. A good book to read to help in understanding this process is a classic called Dialogue with God By Mark Virkler. He also has a book which I haven’t read but may be useful regarding dreams, it’s called “Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook”.

Now there are other ways that God speaks to us, God has used a Donkey as in Numbers 22. He uses creation as said in Rom 1:20 and various Psalms. In fact one of the best places to hear the voice of God is to go for a slow walk into the mountains or forest. Jesus was in the habit of doing this around Nazareth and Galilee. God also uses Prophetic Art and Music.

Its so important that we spend time to listen to God speak to us. Jesus told us its more important than the pursuit of what earns our daily bread. Matt 4:4. God is speaking, the question is are we listening?

To help you well in the listening exercise start your prayer time with this prayer.

Listening prayer

Heavenly Father, I wait upon you.

I pause, still my mind and still my heart.

I wait upon you. I stop, and listen beyond the everyday.

I wait upon you.

I rest, and allow my soul to have space.

I wait upon you.Quiet, at rest, held.

I wait upon you. And call Abba, Abba Father.

I know you have searched me, and you know me.

I know you are the beginning and the end.

I know you are the Redeemer.

I wait upon you,

Allowing your grace to penetrate my whole being.

And in this place, close, protected and eternal,

I find that this grace renews my strength,

Wipes away my tears,

And promises new hope. I wait upon you.

There is also a prayer practice to follow called Praying the Examen.

This is away of examining your day by bringing your highs and lows to God and asking him what he says about those times. It was developed by St Ignatius of Loyola, follow the link to get a good understanding of this with Strahan Coleman of Practicing the Way.


Another announcement to watch out for is the Dad’s (Including grandads) and Kids camp at the end of August. See the advert within e-news and Grace Church Connections for details. We would love to see an opportunity for fun and spiritual refreshment in the outdoors.

Amanda and I are away this Sunday and the week following for a retreat and holiday time to prepare for Powerhouse.

Love and Blessings

Ps Greg

11th July 2023

Prophetic letters

Prophetic letters

Hi Church,

Sometimes we can forget that listening to God can be fun. Especially when your doing it on behalf of another. So prophetic listening is tuning your ear/spirit to hear from God so you can speak on behalf of Him to someone else for their encouragement, comfort and edification. We did that on Sunday morning in a very basic writing form. In our exercise of Listening to God, we wrote what a loving Heavenly Father would say to their child.

Soon many people wrote down many sentences of beautiful support and love and comforting words. It was amazing as some of those letters were shared how specific the words were and how they ministered to the heart of those who received them. Maybe this was confronting for some, I trust not. But I do hope it nudged us all a little to eagerly desire the Spiritual gifts and to step outside our comfort zone. Why? It makes a difference to listen well, and it takes practice. I’m looking forward to sharing another 4 ways of listening to God this coming Sunday and maybe jump into another exercise of listening.

Let me also say again a big thank you to the amazing response of the Church to the training centre in Nepal. We are close to supplying $22,000 in funds for the completion.  Well done Grace family this will make an eternal difference in the life of the Nepali Church. Its not too late to release your gift, reference it Nepal Building.

Now with Powerhouse Conference 23 just around the corner its time to step up our prayer and preparations of our heart to be equipped for greater empowerment by the Spirit. Start asking God to prepare you to receive and implement truth. To receive a prophetic word and to be ready for all that Jesus would want to give us and release through us. Also pray about who you can personally invite.

God Bless

Ps Greg and Amanda

4th July 2023

The Bride of Christ

The Bride of Christ

Hi Church,


A beautiful weekend of family was celebrated by all. Thank you to all generations that played a part in presenting a highly engaging and Holy Spirit led gathering time together at Grace Church. Amanda and I had a lovely time away, celebrating family and friends in a wedding.

 Weddings are so special and this one was outstanding in its expression of love of family and appreciation of each other. Christian weddings are a great testimony because they are a metaphor for our love and unity in us the Bride being united with Jesus our eternal Husband and head. St. Paul in writing to the Ephesian church in Chapter 5 says that …. “Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless”.

 When we saw the Bride last Saturday she was indeed radiant. Her smile, her dress, her presentation spoke of perfection and transformation into something holy before her husband. It’s incredible to think we all will be transformed into this same image as one body presented to Jesus.

I know some days we barely feel like getting out of bed and we live in a perpetual bad hair day! BUT by His Grace, he changes, he washes, he transforms us, to be better than we ever thought possible. To be radiant!

In Revelation 21 The Angel shows John the disciple the fullness of the bride to be.

““Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal”.

Let’s not live down to how we feel, but lets live up to who He is transforming us to be. For that is a greater truth. We long for that perfect union. Just as it says in the book of Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and The Bride say to Jesus, Come!

Until the Lord comes to take us to himself in that moment in Glory we are on the road of transformation. Our Highs and Lows, sad times and good times are all working together to form us, shape us and change us into the Bride of His making. So lets embrace the journey.


God bless you for your contribution.

Ps Greg and Amanda

20th June 2023