Isaac contending again

Isaac contending again

Hi Church,


Its always a special time when we can worship the Lord and come to that place where we know our spirit has become lost into the vast ocean of God’s grace and love.

We certainly felt that on Sunday as Josh Thomas and Neve Betenson led us into a deeper experience of the Love of God. Those moments are what we are hungry for.


My message on Sunday continued with the theme of Contending for your promise, through the life example of Isaac in Gen 26. My encouragement is to go back and read the story and see how Isaac interacted with God and those around him to come to a place of knowing that the promise he held onto to was not just about what he received, but who was giving it. YAHWEH, meaning the God who is Present and Active.  I love how Isaac after he had his second encounter decided to build an alter to Worship God, make an encampment and dig a well in the place of encounter. This shows us that we cant just treat worship as a passing moment but a place that needs to be dwelt in wherever we are, so we can draw from living waters. There were many other truths I shared about Isaacs life so I encourage you to listen again and be encouraged to act upon the word not just be listeners.


Another time for us all to participate in is Alive in Prayer. It starts next Monday 5pm to 6pm and goes for 4 days. This will be a time to press into God and believe again for God to bring alive those things which we have thought dead either dreams, health, finances, purpose, relationships. Let’s join and gather in faith and speak life, lets speak to the valley of dry bones and say “Come Alive in the name of Jesus.”


So much to be connected to and enjoy.


With you Church in the journey.


God bless


Ps Greg And Amanda

Who am I becoming?

Who am I becoming?

Hi Church, 

Thanks for being a solid God-glorifying family on Sunday. So many things were heading for disaster with our technology and sickness creeping in for key people doing stuff. But Praise God the maturity of the people arose, and we pushed through with only a bump in the road. Jane covered me for worship and led with no screen words and Jess did her first service lead and was composed and encouraging under pressure and Ps Debbie-Ann despite losing her PowerPoint to computer failure, brought a great word which challenged and inspired us all.  This is a sign of Church growing and going deeper in God not reliant on props and presentation.  

Ps Debbie-Ann’s message spoke into that reality. The following is the notes I took from her message and Í confess she said it a lot better than my note taking. So please listen again to Debbie’s teaching online not just read my notes. 

The journey of life.

Who you are becoming determines where you are going. In your spiritual life, who you are becoming will determine your maturity. Psalm 1 shows those who are planted in God's word will always grow. Psalm 1:1-3 reminds us that when we live according to God's way, we are blessed and will prosper. The word of God will map your life. Psalm 119:9 MSG says, “How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word.”

When making choices, ask: Who are we becoming? Where are we going? What are we carrying? Is it time to let go of some luggage? Reflect on what you gave your life to over the last two weeks, the places and online spaces. Whatever most of your time was given to is your treasure. 

Jesus challenges us that whatever is our treasure has our hearts. Churches committed to Jesus cultivate the atmosphere of Jesus. If you give yourself to places contrary to the atmosphere of Heaven, ask: Where are we going? Who are we becoming like?

When we tussle between atmospheres; if we keep resisting God's atmosphere it will determine the level of our maturity. Surrendering completely increases our maturity and increases our hearts desire for Him as our treasure. 

Psalm 119 (MSG) says we need to follow the map of God’s word. Watch for the signposts that lead us to Him and especially the ones that lead away from Him. We become what we behold. When the world comes at us, filter it by asking: Who am I becoming? Where am I going?

The apostle Paul says to the Corinthians, examine yourself to see if you are in the faith (2 Cor 13:5). Jesus said, enter through the narrow gate; it is not easy (Matt 7:13-14). If your gate is wide and easy, it may be the wrong gate. Deb said the Holy Spirit showed her that the hole in the gate was Jesus-shaped, as He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).

Debbie noted that struggling in faith and lack of growth occurs when we stop meeting with God's people and abandon His word and ways. She suggested speaking to someone godly and mature in faith to help when feeling lost. Who we are becoming will determine where we are going. 

Let's be a community of transforming grace that bears the image of Jesus…. in full maturity. Amen! 

My hope and prayer is “we are beginning to look a lot like Jesus!”

Thank You Ps Debbie-Ann for bringing this teaching. 

Just as a final note Special thanks to John Ives who brought a good word at communion reminding us of the power of the blood and its message and how it changed the lives of aboriginal men in the Northern Territory. May it continue to be so.

God bless 

Ps Greg and Amanda

Isaac contending

Isaac contending

Hi Church,  


The Lord continues to do good work among us. People are enjoying His presence and enjoying each other’s company as we worship together in Spirit and in Truth.  

There is so much to give thanks for in our life together. The Men’s Ministry breakfast was so good with Philip Bregmen sharing his testimony. The Kingdom Kids Ministry and the World Changes Youth are both experiencing seasons of growth and deep discipleship. Even the Young Adults are increasing in number and their hunger for God across all these younger age groups, is very encouraging and inspiring for those who are working with and leading these ministries.  


Last weekend our new people’s lunch attracted another 14 people, with some unable to attend, so the level of interest and the desire to connect into community is increasing and for that we give thanks as well. Please remember to have a heart to embrace new families and singles and others who are looking for a new home. A great place to start is into your Life group.  


This weekend message focused on Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah. I’m focused on Chapter 26 of Genesis which gives us a number of faith responses in Isaac’s life as he contended for the promise that God made to him. I spoke of the expectation that he carried being Abraham’s son of promise and the responsibility. This is a two-part message. So my first points were helping to understand that Isaacs choices were being made in tough times of famine. So the first three lessons are:-  

  1. Make an Obedient decision to stay, and not run away when times are tough. Isaac could have taken the commonsense route and gone to Egypt where there was food and water. But he followed God’s plan even though in the short-term it was more difficult and challenging.  

  2. Isaac was able to stay focused in his life because he had a clear vision and promise from God and so it helped to provide clarity in uncertain times. We need the same for our lives. 

  3. We learnt from a negative experience with Isaac that you don’t mix fear and faith for it removes trust and blessing. We see when Isaac told lies about his wife Rebekah it created fear, but once he told the truth (that she was not his sister) favour, peace, safety and blessing started to come his way.  


These are all lessons we can apply to ourselves and our families, so we can come alive with God’s blessings.  


Now another important point is that Isaac started his walk with God in the same region that Haggar had an important revelation about God. If you go back to Genesis 16 you discover that this place where Isaac was living was “near the well of the living One who sees me.”    She called God, El Roi, because she met the Angel of the Lord, who saw her in her time of misery. So my encouragement to all of us when we feel like life has covered us over with disappointment and despair, like a heavy blanket, to believe that God, El Roi, sees you and sees your heart and will meet with you in your pain and lead you out into a larger space of freedom and healing, if you put your trust in him.  


So much good truth.  I’m looking forward to the next time I share on this chapter 26 as we look at the wells that Isaac dug and how he had to contend for his space till he found the water that was life giving.  


God bless you Church, check out all the adverts for the great activities that are coming up. Especially anything to do with prayer, as that’s our key for a deeper more powerful life in Christ for as we seek Him, as we draw close to Him, He has promised to draw closer to us.  


God Bless You all.  

Ps Greg and Amanda

Live the Dream

Live the Dream

Hi Church, 

Thank you for participating in another weekend of collective ministry that touched many hundreds of people.  Grace church is growing again, and we humbly thank the Lord for His favour. We know unless the Lord builds the house the labourers (us) labour in vain. So I want to stay next to Him as His apprentice and be amazed at the Master Builder’s artistry (Ephesians 2:10).

World Changers Youth continues to grow as Neve and Ben are determined to make disciples of Jesus, not just entertain a crowd. But they need our help, so if you feel you can come and just contribute something to help carry the load then please see them. This generation needs you more than you know. 

Suzie Wood brought a very encouraging word last Sunday to the Church. In keeping to the main theme of Alive in 2025, Suzie presented truth for stirring our hearts to birth a dream in God. Then how to live it out and let others be influenced by it. Often our dreams can be the spark for others. Suzie encouraged us to make sure our dream does not just stay in our heads, but we are to bring it to reality. I love the way she highlighted Ezekiel’s vision in Chapter 37 where Ezekial the prophet speaks to the valley of dry bones, and there is a great rattling of bones as they come together from being scattered. Suzie challenged us that Port Macquarie needs to hear dry rattling bones come together again and a mighty army arise that will step out with the purposes of God. Thank you, Suzie, for being an inspiration to the people around you, to not just be spectators in living. So come alive Church, it’s never too late to step out! Key Scriptures included Ps 20;4, Prov 3:5-6 and Eph 3:20-21. 

Last Sunday evening at “More” night we experienced a beautiful time of Jesus encounter, as we pressed into His presence in worship. I know many were blessed and encouraged as they laid their burdens at the feet of Jesus and took on His miracle power for their life situation. Matt D shared an encouraging word sharing part of his testimony and recovery from burnout. He spoke from Ps 23 and key scriptures around the restoration our soul.  

So, another wonderful weekend and I pray it continues all week long as Jesus blesses you and restores you and builds your life for His glory. 

Love you Church

Ps Greg and Amanda 

Jars of Clay

Jars of Clay

Hi Church,

Praise the Lord that lives continue to be moved by the Holy Spirit through His word and worship times. It was such a joy to see people praying together at the end of Sunday message believing for Life to come into places that appeared dead. The Bible says that we have the power of Life and Death in our Tongue. What we speak matters. And Paul said in 2 Cor 4:     We Believe and We Speak.  Just like God spoke Light into darkness.  We speak Life into deathly situations. So don’t give up and loose heart, keep speaking life over situations that appear bleak and dying. Speak life over your marriage and your family and your business. 

There are lots of good reports around Grace family as people step deeper into their relationship with Jesus and the glory of His presence through the Holy Spirit.  This must be our goal. This must be our reason for being. To become like Jesus and shine His glory so that others too will receive His freedom and glory when they see His face in us.  To live a glorious life, I outlined four key points from 2 Cor 3:18 to 2 Cor 4:18. 

  1. Life begins with You – Your transformation first. 

  2. Life is sustained by right motive.   –  All for Jesus

  3. His life is more powerful than the feelings of your death. You are a clay Jar – Vulnerable but Powerful – His all surpassing power is in you. You are clay Jar – Vulnerable and Valuable - Jesus is the treasure you carry 

  4. Life is spoken by faith over circumstances that seem like death. 

I encourage you to listen again to this message and take up a study to go deeper into these truths. 

We also highlighted Life groups and prayed for the leaders. Our life group leaders do an amazing job, and I would encourage everyone to be a part of a group where you can live your life connected to other people so that a community of love and care is built around you and the people your connected with. In these groups the gifts of the Spirit can be experienced and practiced, the Word of God discussed, and deep friendships can be formed. Don’t miss out. 

We have many ministry opportunities available, and I would encourage you all to look again at making space to serve let a ministry leader know of your availability.

This weekend coming we have Susie Wood sharing the Word of God and I’m sure she has a good word to share that will encourage and strengthen us all. 

Loving you Church 

Greg and Amanda

Holy Ground

Holy Ground

Hi Church,

Bless God! What another wonderful weekend in His presence! The Worship rich and alive, hearts responsive and a great moment praying over our next generation as they begin their next 12-month discipleship journey.

After a great week of prayer and worship seeking the Lord, Monday to Thursday an open Heaven of His goodness and love and presence seems to be available to us even more than what has been felt before.  This is something that we can’t take lightly. I believe the Lord is inviting us onto Holy Ground. As we did prophetically during the prayer time we need to do figuratively every week. We need take off our shoes (representing self-effort) and stand in awe of Him, barefoot, representing dependency on His grace and Holy Spirit as our covering.

My message addressed our lack of belief for life through the story of Lazarus and Jesus delay and then Martha’s conversation with Jesus and then Jesus commanding Lazarus out of the grave and having his grave clothes removed. My statements were based on John 11:1-48 and considered the following:-

  1. Learn to trust in God’s timing not yours

  2. Make sure the Glory for miracles goes to Jesus.

  3. Blame and regret don’t release miracles.

  4. Right theology doesn’t bring Life… only Trust in Jesus

  5. You can trust Jesus with the grief of your past and present.

  6. Arguments stating the obvious don’t lead to miracles and life ….only obedience does.

  7. Resurrection life doesn’t come with immediate freedom, our part is to remove what binds us and entangles us.

Please re-listen to my message and discover what areas in your life are dead and what you’re grieving over and then invite Jesus to speak into your grave to release life and freedom to you.

It’s time to re-connect with a life group.  And if you are new to Grace church, I invite you to look at the Grace webpage to discover who, when and where you can connect.

The Lord is good and we earnestly desire Him.

Let’s continue in our hunger for Him.

Love and blessings

Alive in 2025

Alive in 2025

Hi Church,

It’s such a joy to be back with you for 2025 after a good holiday. Amanda and I have been encouraging our staff team to be refreshed and ready for a great year. I know they are keen to love and serve you as all the ministries begin this coming weekend. So please be ready to participate and encourage each other in your faith journey for 2025. Please call your ministry leader for starting details. 

My message from last Sunday was built around the following points. 

 The overarching theme for the year is "Alive in 2025," based on Colossians 2:12-14, which speaks about being made alive with Christ after being forgiven for sins. The message emphasizes the importance of living fully for Jesus and showing the world that they are alive in Him. It also highlights the significance of humility, staying low to be lifted high by God, and being alive in Scripture and worship.

Prophetic Insights for 2025

During a prophetic session with Ps Paul Zanardo and our Staff, it was declared that 2025 would be a year of completion, fruitfulness, increased prayer, and greater impact in the community. The year is seen as a year of God's double favour and blessing, with a focus on reaping in areas not sown and experiencing unexpected increases in people attendance.

  1. Place no confidence in the flesh but live by the Spirit 

    The message encourages placing confidence in the Holy Spirit rather than relying on fleshly efforts. It emphasizes the importance of encountering God's presence through the Holy Spirit and being empowered by His grace. The relationship with God should be one of sonship, where believers cry out "Abba Father" and are filled with life and peace.

  2. Come Alive in Worship and Scripture

    The message calls for a deeper engagement with Scripture and worship. It stresses the need to be disciples of God's word, letting it dwell richly within, and to worship in spirit and truth. Worship is not just about singing songs but about having hearts totally devoted to God. 

  3. Remember to stay low to our foundation so that God can lift us. 

    The Humility of Christ is our example and attitude to maintain life. This will help us to remember we walk on Holy Ground in our worship times together as we stand in awe of Jesus the author and giver of life. 

  4. The story of Lazarus is used to illustrate the power of Jesus over death and the importance of living a life that reflects His resurrection power. I will address these points this coming weekend. 

This week has seen the challenge to pray into what will bring life into Grace Church and us personally. Every day from Monday to Thursday we have been meeting between 5 and 6 PM Worshipping, declaring Scripture, seeking Gods face and praying over each other life. In these meetings we have felt the beautiful presence of the Lord. I encourage you its not too late to join the many other people who are participating.

Exciting days ahead Church.

God bless you as you experience the fullness of God’s life in 2025. 

Greg and Amanda 



Hi Church,

Here we are. We have made it to Christmas and the end of 2024! Praise the Lord! I believe this year has been one of our best years at Grace Church. Not because we ran out did a whole bunch of stuff, because we didn’t. But we let the Lord lead us deeper into a more personal and more intimate relationship with Him. We have grown as a church because the Lord has given us more of Himself and that has renewed and empowered us all.  So, thank you Church for going the distance, serving each other, loving each other and worshipping Jesus so well. I look forward to 2025 and all that God will do as He continues to revive us ready for His imminent return.

Last week I spoke on the Names of Jesus as prophesied 700 years before His birth, as found in Isaiah 9:6. Names are so important in the Bible especially God’s name. So far we have done Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God. And I led us to the conclusion that each of His names expresses His character and nature that we so desperately need.  He is wonderful and His hope is what we need. He is the Counsellor and His wisdom is what we need, He is Mighty and His victories through trials are what we need. This Christmas Eve we will continue with Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

This coming Sunday we will finish the year with thanksgiving. What will you be thankful for from 2024? I know some found new life, some had victory over near death, some found healing, some found renewal, please come willing to share a few minutes of how God has been good to you.

Finally, from my family to yours I pray you have a wonderful safe, holy and joy-filled Christmas, and a New Year filled with blessings and peace and strength. Remember God is for you and His grace is empowering you, so that you can be all that you are called to be, and you can do all that He plans for you.

Love You dearly Grace Church Family

Ps Greg and Amannda



Hi Church,

What an amazing weekend of reaching out and worshipping together and honouring our service teams.

First of all, the weekend started with the Zac Young  “Love Thy Neighbour” event and Paddle out Record attempt. People gathered from 7:00am Saturday morning and then out with their boards and anything else that floated to form a circle of bodies in the open surf. By all accounts the day was a great success bar the total required to break the world record. The Good News is they achieved 250 in the water all holding hands and it was on the way to the record but not enough. But that didn’t dampen the festive spirit with all retuning to the beach and having sausage sizzle and live music and listening to great testimonies. There were baptisms in the middle of the day of some young people and for some it was due to a commitment to Jesus either at the event or just prior.

Many commented on the great sense of love and friendship in the interactions with the public. Overall many seeds of love and gospel were sown, and there is potential for more outreach. Thank you to those who helped make the day possible. Grace was able to give $3000 towards their overall outreach budget.  Many other Churches also contributed.

Sunday morning was another great day with many new people.  Some who were visiting had only recently moved from Russia. And some who came to church for the first time since they were kids and live in Lake Cathie. God is certainly doing a new work. Everyone was greatly challenged and inspired by Ps Kerry Medway as he shared the scripture of Isaiah 9:6 . In this verse  Kerry was focussed on the wonder of Jesus. His challenge was to not let our hearts grow cold but be amazed, be enthralled, with all that Jesus is. Kerry also shared his testimony of salvation.

6 For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I will continue to focus on this scripture in the following Sunday and Christmas Eve.

Then Sunday evening at the Serving Teams Thank you event the Staff team lead by the creativity and hospitality of Amanda Campion prepared a lovely two course meal complete with table decorations. The food was beautifully prepared by Amanda, Carin and Debbie.  60 people then enjoyed an evening of live music thanks to Peter Campion’s Jazz repertoire and fun and games presented by me.  Again, I would like to offer our deep appreciation for all the service teams that provide regular and consistent help in the life of Grace Church. Your consistent effort makes a massive contribution. So a big weekend but a very impacting time with multiple people groups ministered to and encouraged. 

Thank You Grace Church for a great 2024. 


Merry Christmas

Ps Greg and Amanda

Campfire stories

Campfire stories

Hi Church,

Sorry Amanda and I couldn’t be with you last weekend, but I had a very important family weekend to be a part of in Tamworth, one that was unlikely to be repeated due to the age and health of some present.

However, you were more than provided for as you received an inspiring report from Ross Nancarrow on his recent trip to Nepal. Ross shared the uplifting statistics and profound impact of the work being accomplished through the Church planting efforts by Nepali Pastors and the wonderful organization, Every Daughter Matters (EDM).

Ross highlighted the continuous and almost daily rescue of girls at border crossings, underscoring our partnership with EDM in achieving this great result. The work being done is nothing short of miraculous, and it reminds us of the power of a clear plan, dedicated people, and generous funding in bringing about meaningful change.

Drawing a beautiful analogy, Ross likened the heartwarming stories of individuals and organizations in Nepal to what we share around campfires. This imagery prompted us to reflect on a profound question: “What type of story would we want talked about our lives around the campfires in heaven?”

Ross shared that every life story is composed of four major themes:

·       Purpose: What was our purpose in life?

·       Relationships: Who are the people we formed relationships with?

·       Resilience: How much resilience did we demonstrate in the face of challenges?

·       Legacy: What legacy did we leave behind?

In his concluding remarks, Ross reminded us that God desires to author our lives based on these themes. If we allow God to be the writer of our stories, as the author and perfector of our faith, then we will undoubtedly achieve a life story worth telling—a narrative of purpose, love, resilience, and lasting impact.

As we reflect on Ross’s words, let us be inspired to live our lives with authenticity and intention, knowing that every action and decision contributes to a greater story authored by God.

And then let’s take these stories into the life of Grace Church because that will be our collective story as we seek to be transformed by the grace of God into the image of Jesus, for His glory.

Some key events are coming up. Don’t miss our Last Prayer Advance for 2024, Tuesday at 7:00 pm, it will be powerful.  Then we have Love Thy Neighbour if the weather is fine this coming Saturday.  Please be praying for salvations and good weather and please help if you can from 7:00 am at Town Beach.  A Book stall stand attendant is urgently needed, please let me know if that’s for you.

Looking forward to seeing you all real soon.


Ps Greg and Amanda


The Joy of My Salvation

The Joy of My Salvation

Hi Church!


It was so good to be in God’s house together. Thank you Josh and the worship ministry for setting a table through worship. 


On Sunday, Holy Spirit led us to revisit a word He gave on 25 August. As God was praised, a door of rich brown wood appeared, first shut and then opened, slightly ajar, light emanating. After that morning’s service, Mandy Dennison told Pastor Greg about an artwork, a quilted piece she had secretly created with Holy Spirit months before: a door of rich brown wood, slightly ajar, light emanating. Mandy brought the piece in to our More service that night. 


God is calling us, Grace Church Port Macquarie, to praise. At times, our God-praises can be circumstantially dependent. But what does God’s word say? Sunday’s message was The Joy of My Salvation: 31 Reasons to Praise the Lord. God’s goodness is unaffected by time or circumstance. This makes His praises always and forever, for all time, Yes and Amen. 


Because of Jesus, you are are a carrier of eternal life. Live every day in response to the joy that is salvation. Enthralled by God, make your redeemed relationship your highest joy. Walking to this heartbeat, your passion and praise will go from strength to strength to glory. As we praise God, we will see doors revealed and opened, the glory of God emanating. We will see spiritual attacks routed and spiritual prisoners set free. Praise the Lord. 


For those who responded at your seats or at the altar, God is restoring the joy of your salvation. 


Several people asked for the 31 reasons list with scriptures so we are looking for ways to get that to you this week.


We also blessed and farewelled Bob & Nina Atkins who walked with us for 15 months and are now moving to a new city to be closer to family. We pray blessing on them and believe God has already prepared a wonderful new Church family to receive them. 


Meanwhile, here we are in the first week of December and our eyes turn to celebrating Jesus’s arrival on earth. The son of God born in humility begins the plan for all of eternity. 


Church, please remember our Christmas appeal. This Sunday 8th December, we are hoping to reach our goal so we can be generous to the community around us who are in need this Christmas. Thank you for giving what you can in prayer and love for others. 


Finally it is summer so on a simple health note, let’s remember to stay hydrated and sun safe while we enjoy life in Greater Port Macquarie.  


Love, Grace and Peace to you all, 

Debbie-Ann Bax

Family Service

Family Service

Hi Church

Family Service did it again. Delivering an amazing Sunday morning that was filled with joy, laughter, wisdom, understanding, Spiritual truth and heart-felt impact. All from across the generations of our church.

The Youth taught us a new song with some old words, but it was up-tempo and determined and it grabbed our attention. “I have decided to follow Jesus No Turning back”. Our Youth musicians are making great progress under Debbie’s teaching and their tightness of presentation shows credit for the hours of hard work and practice they are putting in.

What can we say about the David and Goliath drama?  All I know is that Oliver Acland and Doug Bollard were very well cast as the hero and villain respectively. Their performance was amazing, well done to everyone who participated and for Kaidee for creating a very inclusive script.

A wonderful message of the same theme was brought through Carin. The David and Goliath story of 1 Sam 17 was Carin’s story as she shared how fear was dictating what she would attempt to do in God. But like David, putting her full trust in God allowed her to live beyond what she could do in the natural.

 So well done Carin! Your heart-felt message left a great impact upon many, as we are all called to live a deeper life of trust and faith in Jesus. A key to help is remembering that victories with God over smaller trials prepare you and teach you to have victory over greater trials and hardship. Great lessons Carin.

This week we had the amazing delivery of our Church chairs and after some scrambling to get people connected, many of the men of Grace came to move and then assembled 250 chairs. It was a great effort across three days. I cannot thank the guys enough for their willing hands and their faithful service. Enjoy your new chairs Grace Church. There are more chairs in the auditorium now so we have more spaces to invite a friend to encounter the living Lord.

Last chance to get on board and help with the Big Paddle Out outreach event this Saturday coming.  It will be an awesome time with many dignitaries involved and many opportunities to serve and share the Gospel. Please use the link below to sign up and sign in to help. Starts from 7:30 am.

I know we have entered the busy season Church but let’s remember Jesus is our reason for being, so let’s always put Him first and worship Him passionately. There are many good things coming up in the calendar, so don’t miss out.

Love and Blessings

Ps Greg and Amanda



Hi Church,

It was good to share with the Church again over the weekend more depth regarding our purpose and How we are going to achieve it. We do it through Presence, Discipleship and Community. So a bit of a recap was given from the previous week. I do this deliberately because I want the truth of God’s Word and His purpose for us to be like a seed that goes down deep into a good soil. If we can get that seed in deep and we water it, the promise will be a harvest that is 30, 60, 100 fold more than what was planted. The table of scriptures that I provided that are on our web page and on Grace Church connection are there to help you understand, How, we achieve “being a community of transforming grace that bears the image of Jesus”.

So the big emphasis this week was on Presence. The Presence of the Lord is so important for us. It speaks of His goodness and affection, His grace and power all working simultaneously with His Word to bring us to a place where the Trinity make their home in us. How awesome is that?!! Too marvellous, too wonderful for comprehension. Its this place of Home where Jesus manifests His Glory. Manifests means a shining revealing of who He is in us. It’s His light in what used to be a dark place. So when we are being changed by the Spirit it means His light is actually increasing in us. So we say “More Lord Jesus, let your manifest glory be revealed”. Let His light shine through you into this dark world. It needs you to shine for it needs to see Jesus.

Sunday night More was an awesome night of worship and good preaching from Paul Betenson. He spoke on laying down your life and surrendering to God’s plan for you. Many responded in the atmosphere of love and grace and some people experienced the powerful healing touch of Jesus. Paul’s message will be uploaded this week.

You know its exciting to see many new people come and find fellowship at Grace. But can I encourage us all, please have an open heart to receive the stranger. A stranger for the most part is just a friend you haven’t met yet. Try and remember the day you first came to Grace Church Port Macquarie, and you were a stranger. It’s not a great feeling. But it can be exciting if people intentionally connect and reach out authentically. Why not be that person?

Thank you Church for your prayers, love and worship in our gatherings together. We are enjoying beautiful days of Holy Spirit presence let’s not take them for granted.

God Bless

Ps Greg and Amanda

Love thy neighbour

Love thy neighbour

Last weekend at Grace Church was truly uplifting, filled with meaningful connections and divine inspiration. We are grateful for the messages we received and look forward to the upcoming outreach event.

Our weekend kicked off with a Men's Breakfast on Saturday morning, featuring the distinguished Dr. John Barrett as our special guest. At over 85 years old, Dr. Barrett shared insights from what he called “a fortunate life”, inspiring all attendees with his service to community, wisdom and experiences. His P.O.P.P.I. anagram left a great impression. Prayer, Opportunities, Plans, Perseverance, Integrity was a great strategy to live by.

The Sunday morning service was a vibrant gathering filled with passionate worship. The congregation received strong prophetic encouragement to live wholeheartedly for God and embrace Him as Savior. We were blessed with another guest speaker, Kevin Young, who captivated us with tales of his recent Holy Spirit led adventures in Afghanistan. Despite the dangers Kevin was able to make many good contacts for the Gospel.

Kevin also spoke about the upcoming "Love Thy Neighbour" outreach event, which is scheduled for November 30th at Town Beach. This event aims to break a world paddle-out record while serving as a powerful witness for Jesus in the surfing community. Kevin's dedication to these great endeavours is deeply rooted in the legacy of his late son, Zac. Zac reminded us that perfect love casts out all fear and encouraged us to love all people with the love of Jesus.

Please see the details in e-news of how you can contribute as a volunteer or financially to this special multi-church event.

I also want to thank the many helpers who made our welcome Lunch on Sunday very special for those who attended. Some 16 New People were invited and 9 were able to stay for a delicious lunch and introduction to who is Grace Church.

Thank You Grace Family for celebrating Jesus and Community well over the last weekend. We look forward to what God has for us in coming weeks.

God Bless you

Ps Greg and Amanda

Our season in God

Our season in God

Hi Church, 

There is nothing like looking into the face of a newborn. Amanda and I spent five days in Melbourne gazing with amazing love at the most precious life we had ever seen since our own newborns. O Grandparent love is glorious. 

Life is so perfectly new for a baby. They are dependant on their parents for everything, total trust, total belief that all will be well, they have no reason to doubt, no reason to believe they will not be loved, no reason not to believe their every need will be taken care of. In their weakness they are strong because of their dependence upon the strength of those that love them. 

When did we start believing a lie that our Heavenly Father would treat us any differently. That’s why Jesus said Matthew 19:14

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

A child’s faith is uncorrupted by doubt and lack of identity. That’s why Jesus said this type of faith is what releases the Kingdom of God to us. Food for thought. 

Thank you to Randolph for stepping in to preach on Sunday. He gave a powerful message encouraging us to assess our season in God. He first told us to Let Go of things that hinder our relationship with God. 1. Habits, 2. Places and 3. People. Then He said we need to revere the Lord not just say we are in a relationship with him. Then finally we need to draw near to God.  Our drawing near means we present our selves as vessel to be filled, we recommit our lives daily through a repentant heart, we go to the secret prayer place with Him, we keep the fire burning of our love for Jesus, and we seek first his kingdom. By doing this we build a life of spiritual strength not self-pity. And we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. What amazing truth. Thank you, Randolph, for coming back from the Czech Republic fired up for Jesus. 

Finally, I want to say thank you for everyone who came to the AGM. We were able to make our reports for the year and recognise the hand of God on our Church (His Church) and give Him all the glory. Please see the link within the e-news to get your copy of our AGM report for 2024. 

The Lord is Good! 

God bless you Grace Church

Love Greg and Amanda 



Hi Church

Praise God for his wonderful presence and His favour and blessing that comes when we are in unity together. The Presence of the Lord was so powerful on Sunday and our sense of connectedness as one family so strong.

Thank you for the acceptance of our announcement for the rejuvenation time for Amanda and I in the new year. This three-month rest period will help greatly to bring us to a point of temporary release of ministry, rest, reconnection, revisioning and re-calling and releasing back into Grace Church leadership for the long term. We are very hopeful for the long term. We have a new vision, and we are now in the process of working out how we are going to implement. We are not rushing this process. We know God is filling our hearts with a fresh desire to behold Jesus and bear his image as the risen Lord to our world. If all we do is just keep preaching and demonstrating Jesus we will have accomplished our purpose in this world.

So when it came to preaching I told the story of the long months under the instruction of our Church mentor Peter McHugh.  We came to the conclusion that our vision statement is:- Grace Church exists to be a community of transforming grace that bears the image of Jesus.

God’s Grace I explained starts with God’s mercy over judgement from sin and his riches in Jesus lavished on us but then He fills us with His Holy Spirit, empowering us by His presence so we can do all that He requires of us and we can become all that He wants us to be. And What he wants us to be is to grow into maturity into the fullness of Jesus. Read the book of Ephesians and you will see this so clearly.

I’m looking forward to finishing this message with you soon. But I was very encouraged by the time of surrender that Jane led us into, and the song Ps Debbie sang of Jesus be the Centre of it all. Many filled the altar call giving their lives to God’s purpose during this precious time. Regarding time I am aware our services are going longer than normal but I believe God is doing a good work through Holy Spirit and His Word and so I’m unapologetic if its inconvenient, as I’m more interested in pursuing God and all that he desires for us. 

I also announced on Sunday the birth of our first Grand Child, daughter to Peter and Amelia Campion, Esther Rose Campion. Both Mum and Baby are progressing well and we are so delighted and praising God for her safe delivery. We head to Melbourne this week to meet her for the first time. So excited.

Next Sunday is a big day for us at Grace Church as we take up our Love the House Offering. Our Faith Total to buy 220 Chairs is approximately $25,500. So far $15,000 has been deposited. So, $10,500 needs to be given or pledged this Sunday. By faith we can do this! Let’s trust the Lord and see His hand at work.  

Another thing for this Sunday is that after the service at 11:40 am will be our Annual General Meeting. This is our celebration time of thanks to appreciate God’s blessing on us over the last 12 months and to be open and transparent before our faith community of how we have invested our time and energy and resources.  If you are a regular attender at Grace, you are welcome.

Finally, this Sunday coming we will also welcome home Randolph Kubicek back with us from his 6 month stay in Czech republic. Randolph will be preaching, and he said will be bringing fresh Holy Spirit Fire with him.  Awesome don’t miss it!

Lots happening Grace!

God bless love Greg and Amanda.

Outrageous Grace

Outrageous Grace

HI Church,

Well, another Spiritually dynamic weekend was had by Grace Church. It started early on Saturday morning with Men’s Breakfast.  Some 25 blokes turned up to be encouraged through the story of Boaz, a man of God full of wisdom and integrity, and how God used him to rescue Ruth and Naomi out of poverty and give them a hope and a future. His kindness resulted in the line of King David then ultimately Jesus.  Who knows what eternal significance occurs through your kindness and love and willingness to step out of the ordinary. Boaz was a picture of the saving grace of Jesus towards us as His Church, His bride. Read the story in the Book of Ruth, it’s very inspiring.

From Saturday we turned to Sunday morning with nearly a full house where we were impacted by Spirit-filled worship led by Josh Thomas, an excellent communion message by Jane Wright and a thanksgiving time with Graeme Kightley to appreciate everyone involved in Christmas Boxes.  It was truly a joy to see the Kingdom Kids own their participation in the boxes for other kids as well as the World Changes Youth. Grace Bollard covered the boxes in prayer, and we sent out over 132 to Samaritans purse. This was truly a great effort. To help fill the boxes Judith Tetley assembled a craft team of faithful ladies who created numerous items for all ages to enjoy and send out with love.   We thank them for their great help.

Then again, we were challenged and inspired by the teaching of Ps Jeremy Griffiths. He also read us a fantastic children story which he authored based on the fish who swallowed a Coin that Peter the disciple used to pay his and Jesus’ temple tax. Matt 17:24-27. Jeremy spoke about the Outrageous Grace of God through the story of Jesus meeting Zacheus. He spoke again at our More night where many turned up to go deeper in worship and deeper in the word. Ps Jeremy lead us through the bible with the greatest prayers and with a call to go “a little further” like Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane. It resulted in a packed alter call of people giving their lives for the sake of the gospel. More Lord we cry!

Thank you to all those who gave generously to Ps Jeremy ministry he was so blessed by the generosity of Grace Church. It resulted in nearly all his books sold. As he said, it all goes to missions. Grace Missions also sponsored Jeremy’s work in Polland with a gift of $1000.

Thank you also to the many who turned up for the Prayer Advance last Tuesday. I believe it’s this extra prayer that is making a massive difference in Grace Church. Let’s not give up doing this good work. For we are going to reap a mighty harvest for the glory of the King.

A note of what’s ahead is Our AGM, where we celebrate all the good things Grace Church has been up to for the last 12 months, it happens on the 27th of Oct 11:40am after church gathering. Please come and recognise and give thanks for what we have done together for the glory of the Lord. I know I’m looking forward to another great year ahead.

God bless you all.

Love Greg and Amanda.



Hi Church, 

I was so blessed by the move of the Holy Spirit on Sunday. Our team always goes into every Sunday believing for the Holy Spirit to have His way and for us to follow His presence and power. Sometimes its subtle and it’s a movement here or there, a collective agreement or adjustment to what is already planned, but then sometimes it’s like a mighty rushing wind and God moves and has His way. That’s what I felt on Sunday.  

The testimonies from the Awakening team were so encouraging. Not from the basis of what we experienced was so different or so unusual, or the messages so new to us. But rather it confirmed the Father has been leading us this way and the Father has been preparing us to receive more of what He has already been doing amongst us. 

Everyone who went to Awakening was impacted mightily in one way or another. Janette Nolan was also present at Awakening, but not available last Sunday but she said these words which sums it up well for many of us, “Sorry I can’t find the words to express what God did in my life at Awakening.  I just know I am forever changed.  A fire burns brightly to see His kingdom come to Port Macquarie.  I desire God to use me and equip me to see revival come ….. I don’t know how to express the work of the spirit in words, I just know I have cried every day since Awakening, the Word is more alive, prayer is more focussed, and I am working on what I can do to equip the body for His move over this land”. 

Please see the videos on the Awaken Website and on YouTube to get access to all the good truth shared with us. 

This weekend will be amazing, as Ps Jeremy Griffiths will be sharing good solid truth with us in the Power of the Holy Spirit. He is just back from a Pastor Conference in the Philippines and recently authored a book on the Miracles of Jesus. Ps Jeremy will start his ministry with us at the Men’s breakfast on Saturday and will minister in the two services on Sunday. Bring a friend who needs a miracle, bring someone who is lonely and not planted in a church.   A love offering will be taken to support Ps Jeremy on Sunday services.

Grace Church you are amazing. I’m so blessed to be your Pastor and so excited for what the Lord is doing in us and through us for His Glory. 

Love you 

Ps Greg and Amanda

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family

Hi Church,

To be one voice, one family worshipping God was so evident last Sunday, I truly sensed a new level of God’s favour.  I honestly believe our Leadership prayers from earlier in the week made all the difference. And best of all a young person surrendered their life to Jesus for the first time and many people gave connect cards desiring to go the journey with our Church Family.  Prayer truly changes things. So, let’s believe for more.

If you missed our Leaders Prayer Advance it was a great night with over 36 people attending. It was an action-packed hour of worship, prophetic declaration, standing in the gap for nations and for our own nation, with requests and intercession for our region and our personal needs. It was a great start to what will be our most important meeting of the month. For from this place of unified prayer we will release a new authority over and from Grace Church. So please join us and please make it your monthly priority. Our next meeting is 8th of October 7 pm.

The Word of God was shared with us again so richly on Sunday, first with Neve during Communion and then with Brett and Kate Ryan from Focus on the Family.  Together they spoke about conflict resolution God’s way and not just for marriage but for all relationships. They used the verses from 1 Peter 3:8-11. They paid particular attention to demonstrating brotherly love, being tender hearted and sympathetic towards each other, making the effort to connect with people’s heart not just prove we are right. They put a lot of emphasis on having a humble heart where we make sure we are aware of what is going on in our own hearts and taking responsibility for that, rather than blaming everyone else for how we feel.  They spoke on the difference of payback verses blessing and how payback obviously ignites for greater trouble.  They spoke on Peace keeping verses Peace making. 

A lot of people spend a lot of energy on peace keeping, pretending to have unity and pretending to be ok when the problem is just being pushed under the rug or kicked down the road. Peace making recognises there is a problem and takes responsibility for trying to find a solution regardless of the cost. Peace making deals with the issues at hand and encourages reconciliation.

I’m sure you will pick up many more points if you watch our video upload on our YouTube channel.  For more information on the resources available of Focus on the Family go to

This week is national Marriage week and if you want some insights into helping your marriage stay fresh and enriched then tune in to what they have to offer, it’s all free. Amanda and I will be celebrating 30 years of life together, which includes now 30 years of ministry, but even more special is 5 Children and a Grandbaby on the way. I can’t believe that we have come so far.  All I can say is praise God for His faithfulness and His grace and His mercies for without them I truly would not have gone the distance in my own strength.

But I do want to pay tribute to Amanda who has been so faithful standing by my side all these years, caring and serving not only her own family but the family of God, with great love and perseverance. I look forward to another 30 years of an amazing life together.  And thank you Church for the beautiful flowers and card it was a lovely surprise.

Watch out for all the amazing great opportunities ahead with the adverts below and remember to thank the Lord for answered prayer and lift up the prayer needs listed.

God bless you Church, Amanda and I will see you next Sunday after our week of holiday. Love Greg and Amanda.



Hi Church, 

In these last days it’s easy to be confused about what to believe and who to trust. Many look to the Government for answers but they have none. Many put their trust in money that if you have enough, you’ll make it to the end and certainly able to ride out any storm. Some put their trust in believing the right end time prophecy and have a certainty that they will be raptured out just before it all goes pear shaped.

But that’s not a Gospel way to be living.  We need to live in a such away that gives hope to the people around us who are hopeless.  Statistically it would seem that the church is shrinking faster than its growing and that the population is growing faster now than converts are being made. Whilst there are bright pockets in many places which are encouraging, Western Democracies as we know them are in real decline. The answer is not to have more churches but to have more disciples.  More disciples who will make disciples and more disciples who are obedient to the commands of Jesus.  Of course, if more disciples of Jesus made disciples we would need more churches but at this stage there is plenty of room in the churches we have.

Jesus answer to the Now Harvest upon us and around us is to pray. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more labourers into the field. And that usually ends up being the ones who started praying. Historically the first great missionary movement that started out of Europe was with the Moravians who had a 100 year 24/7 Prayer movement that touched the world and who sent Christians out all over the known world making disciples. This was way back in 1727.  Of course, the first prayer vigil to ignite the discipleship flame was Pentecost. Lord we need another!

Now to help us to pray we must consider The Lord’s Prayer in  Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:1–4.

1.         Prayer always should be based, founded on relationship. Our Father.

2.         Prayer is in a Revered or Reverential name. Hallowed.

3.         Prayer is about Reach.  Your Kingdom Come on earth as it is in Heaven.

4.         Prayer is about accessing Resources. Give us our daily bread. Ask Seek Knock.

5.         Prayer is about Reconciliation. The Debt of Sin forgiven by God and us forgiving towards all other people.

6.         Prayer is having Right Direction. Lead us ……not into temptation

7.         Prayer is having Royal Favor.  For His is the Kingdom the glory and the power.

This format of praying covers all areas of life.

I want us all to embrace these principles in our everyday praying for our neighbours, praying for our city, praying for our Nation. We start at home, and we send it out far and wide.

Prayer changes situations but more importantly it changes us. As we move closer to the Father’s heart, we will hear His desire for our world and we will pray and act accordingly. What’s it going to take to see Grace Church grow with lost people becoming disciples in Port Macquarie. I’m not completely sure. But I know this….. the more I pray about it the more likely we will hear and see how it can happen and what is our part it making it happen. I pray you will be motivated to join us monthly for our Leaders Prayer Advance it starts Tuesday 10th of Sept 7:00pm sharp to approx. 8:00pm. 

This week is voting week in Port Macquarie and the Hastings for Council and Mayoral elections.  Lord we pray let your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. There is no injustice or corruption in Heaven under your authority so Lord we reach to the heavens and pray injustice and corruption will be far from us and the people of our Local Government and those whom you have set apart to lead will be blessed, strengthened and encouraged by the power of your Spirit to walk humbly, act justly and consider the welfare and good of all in their decisions.

God bless you, Church.

Ps Greg and Amanda